Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reflection on Professor's Blog

Television, computers, smartphones and tablets have become Americas crutch. They have become the things we rely on the most to give us the answers we seek. They tell us how we should live our lives. They give us the voice we always wanted but praise the ignorant and shun the intellectual. Technology is beginning to dumb America down, having us no longer do for ourselves but have other things and other people do it for us. Critical thinking has become a thing of the past instead if you have a question we look to search engines that we believe has the answers to everything you could possibly ever want to know.

So I agree with what is being said in my professors blog. We fail to realize that we live in "a virtual world where the irrelevant and the sublime are given equal voice." We've stopped questioning who's information is really accurate, and began to follow along the footsteps of providing insufficient information right along with them.

We start to determine our value and worth based of how many likes we get on a post or by how many "friends" we have, when in reality half of the people you call your friends don't even know who you are.

Will there ever be a solution to the point where our kids can grow up knowing that thinking for themselves and having their own opinion isn't looked down upon, its appreciated? Who knows. 

Until then...we wait.

Getting to Know Me!

My name is Dominique Conquest. I am a junior at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I major in Communication Studies and I minor in Public Relations.
When it comes to the goals I have set for myself  it really is just to make sure that when its time for me to go into the "real world"to love what I do. Despite how much money I make, as long as I am happy, everything will be alright.
Like everyone else in the world we all have dreams. The love I have for my family made me put my dreams on hold. I didn't think about going to college when I graduated. I felt like it wasn't for me. I wanted to move so I could pursue my singing career and start my life trying to make it big on Broadway. However, my mother told me that all she wanted was to see one of her kids completely finish college. That she'd do whatever she could to get me there. I decided to put my pride aside and go. I do not regret the decision I made. I'm very appreciative for the opportunity to be here and to be doing exceptionally well while I'm here.

Now that I think about it, my only goal right now, I guess you can say is to make my mother happy, and I believe I'm doing a good job so far.