Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Use of Product Placement in E! Television Series "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"

I chose to watch Episode 2/Season 1 of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." The reason why I chose to watch one of the early episodes is because I wanted to see how evident product placement was in a new show. Now that the show has been on for 7 seasons it has gained a lot of publicity and  everywhere you turn there's nothing but product placement. The episode that I watched was mainly about Kim Kardashian and her mother Kris Jenner, and how Kim was considering on firing her mother as her manager because she felt like she was unorganized and lacked communication skills. Kris's lack of communication skills and being disoriented in her worked traveled over to her personal life regarding other members of her family, especially her youngest children Kylie and Kendall and her husband Bruce.

In regards to product placement I spotted quite a few things. Some showed up a lot and some showed up very little. The products I noticed the most were "Smooch - A Children's Boutique," "DASH," and ""Range Rover." These three products I believe are examples of product placement. I say this is because those were the three products that showed up the most. The reason why they showed up the most (I believe) was because those were the things that the Kardashians owned and they wanted to bring the most attention to them. "Smooch" is a clothing store owned by Kris  Jenner and her daughter Kourtney. "DASH" is a clothing store own by Kim, Khloe and Kourtney, and both Kris and Kim own Range Rovers in the show.

There were other products shown throughout the show but none were as prominent as the ones I named above. The other products include: Entertainment Weekly, Gucci, Apple and ThiBaiant, which is a Spa that Kris Jenner went to. All of the products were shown very briefly, and most of them were shown only because one of the characters may have been using it at a point in time. For example, Kourtney was looking through Entertainment Weekly at a Gucci advertisement, Kris was using an apple computer when Khloe walked in her office to talk to her, and one of the spa workers wore the spa logo on their uniform. So since these products had little air time and wasn't reinforced by the characters through speech, I think that they aren't examples of product placement.

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